“In the eyes of Spirit, this land always was the grand Altar of Altars. This red rock land of Sedona is considered sacred to all the indigenous Southwest tribes, as evidenced by the many petroglyphs and ancient ruins. You can see it by the beauty of the landscape. As you spy the mystical forms of the rock deities around here, you give them a place in your personal Spiritual journey.
Each sacred location had its specific gifting, and we would go to them for different reasons, to gather what we needed to understand on our journey.
This was the Knowing of the Ceremonial Stewards, the Sentinels, who were out on the land, worked the land. They were the ones that would guide you to the precise places you needed to go to.
All these sacred lands did not belong to any one particular tribe. The Medicine Beings within the tribes were given permission to go to these sacred places at various times, for various callings, to be able to do the prayers, to do the collections, to do the healings, and to do what was needed to fulfill their ceremonial responsibilities”. (source: Interview between wisdomkeeper and medicine man, Uqualla James and Eva Willmann de Donlea at 1Earth Institute)
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